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  • Writer's pictureEmily Kress

Updates from the Tech Side

It's hard to believe that it is almost December already! As I look back at the blog, I am stunned (and more than slightly ashamed) to see that the last post came in July. JULY!!

I can mostly attribute this lack of posting to my new position as an Instructional Technology Coach for my district. To say that this new position has completely consumed my life would only be a slight exaggeration. While I L.O.V.E. every day that I go to school, I am definitely living that constant state of exhaustion that is every public school teacher's typical November. Between finishing my Master's program (2 classes per week), planning and delivering professional learning for the High School, supervising the student help desk, co-planning and co-teaching with grades 7-12 teachers, planning new teacher inductions.....there is rarely time to eat and sleep, let alone blog consistently. There's also a rather adorable family at home, somewhere, that I pay attention to (even though the list above doesn't even include family details), lest you think that my nights are spent holed up with my MacBook on my lap and a coffee in my hand.

Actually, that's what I am doing right now.

But, regardless, the posts will be coming more regularly now that I am reaching the finish line of my Masters program: the Internship! Part of my requirements are to blog every other week, so there should/will/better be more posts blinging out on Twitter and in your Inbox as the new year draws closer.

Phew! Here's to the upcoming holiday break, and more posts from me!


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